Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh..
One simple question came across my mind just now, and I can't find any appropriate answer for it..Then, I started to think..ermm...maybe i should share this question with u guys.. who knows, u guys might be able to help me solving it..
The question is...Do you hate someone?Do you hate someone? Do you really hate someone? You haven't spoken to him for a while? You've been blaming him?You know what, you're not the only one!!!!
the Muslim Ummah today is diseased with this to the extent that almost every Muslim knows another Muslim who he/she hates.The Ummah is like a bangunan with the Muslims as it's bricks, Ukhuwwah pula is the cement. Without forgiveness you cannot have brotherhood.
OK then, he wronged you. He deceived you. He backbited you. He lied to you. But even in these extreme situations AL-QURAN n HADIS mengajar kite to forgive others (especially those yg paling byk menyakitkan hati kite) if we wish to earn the forgiveness of Allah on the YAUMUL HISAB (the day of judgement). We have all committed many sins, made many mistakes and for sure we have wronged others, we have deceived others, we have backbited others and no doubt we have lied to others.So what makes us focus onto brothers' and sisters' errors padahal kite remain unconscious of our own.
Not to forgive adalah sama seperti kite hidup in arrogance, and ignorance of our own shortcomings.Forgiveness is linked with piety and ALLAH-consciousness. Is there anybody who is without sin? Ade sape2 rase xberdosa x?? Is there anybody who can be arrogant enough to say that dia xperlu memaafkan sape2, dan he himself doesn't need to seek forgiveness?? Do we not know that Allah forgives those who forgive others?
Therefore, we should realise the difficulties of others and forgive them. It's really simple rite??Allah says in the QURAN:
"(yaitu), org yg berinfak, baik di waktu lapang atau sempit, dan org2 yg
menahan amarahnya dan memaafkan (kesalahan) org lain. Dan ALLAH mencintai org yg berbuat kebaikan"
menahan amarahnya dan memaafkan (kesalahan) org lain. Dan ALLAH mencintai org yg berbuat kebaikan"
(surah Ali Imran : 134)
Look carefully guys, there is the words "ALLAH mencintai" in the verse...come on, xkan la kite xnk ALLAH cinta ngn kite?? xnk ke kasih syg ALLAH?? Allah loves us to have hearts that are ready to forgive.
The Prophet (S.A.W) once asked his companions;"Do you know what will cause you to have a mahligai yg tinggi di dalam SYURGA nnti (sbgai lmbang kemuliaan) and will cause you to be raised by ALLAH?"
When they replied in the negative, he said,"To be forgiving and to control yourself in the face of provocation, to give justice to the person who was unfair and unjust to you, to give to someone even though he did not give to you when you were in need and to keep connection with someone who may not have reciprocated your concern."
Brothers n Sisters...Our Prophet (S.A.W) said that the best of people adalah mereka yg lambat marah and quick to forgive. On the other hand the worst of people are those, he said who get angry quickly tp lambat plak nk memaafkan.
Maybe some of u guys might say that to forgive adalah sesuatu yg melambangkan weakness atau humiliation, and u guys might think that it is better to be strong and preserve our honor. But the problem is, honor in the eyes of Allah terletak pada kemaafan, bkn pada sejauh mana kite blh jual mahal (xnk maafkan org)..
"Tetapi, barangsiapa yg bersabar n memaafkan,sesungguhnya yg demikian itu termasuk dalam perbuatan yg mulia"
[surah asy-syura:43]
If we are to be really jual mahal, then we have to be jual mahal against Syaitan and forgive our brothers and sisters, not jual mahal with brothers n sisters, but follow the this way maybe Allah will decide insyaALLAH to forgive ourselves for our mistakes.
Akhi n Ukhti sekalian, let us think for a while, is there anybody, anybody in this world that we hate?? try to think, do we really hate someone?? if the answer is "YES"...i am sure you really really know what you have to do..Have a blessed day..Wassalam..
" ...honour in the eyes of Allah lies in forgiveness.."
[nukilan:hamdan.edited by tukang edit:)]
salam, aku suke betul baca bende nih.. nice! ^_^