Part 1:
I found myself asking myself the other day…
Nape kau masuk universiti ye? Why are you here?
Well thts quite simple bukan? Coz I wanna learn n get a degree. Nnt nk kerja, nak cari duit.
So pendek kata, klu ko masuk uni pastu fail kira takde makna la masuk uni kan? Kira spanjang 4 tahun ko blaja tu useless right? Anybody who has half a mind to enter uni n study, should have half a mind to want to pass right? Simply said..
Nape kau masuk islam? Why are you saying the syahadah?
Well thts quite simple bukan? Coz I wanna go to Jannah, I don’t wanna rot in hell. Nnt nk bahagia.
So pendek kata, klu ko muslim pastu fail at it kira takde makna la kan masuk islam? Kira sepanjang 25 tahun ko islam tu useless la right? Anybody who has half a mind to enter islam, should have half a mind to want to pass it right? To go to jannah..
Hmm unless, I don’t believe in it.. ?
Unless I don’t believe in my core faith, tht states that there is no God but the one God, the Lord that build the heavens and the earth, tht has provided with all I have.. Allah swt.. and tht Muhammad is His messenger..
Wahai orang-orang beriman, mengapa kau katakan sesuatu yang tidak kau kerjakan?
(as saff 61:2)
Aku kata Tuhan itu satu, aku kata Allah itu lebih aku cintakan dari dunia ini n segala isinya..
If am gonna talk the talk, then I should be prepared to walk the walk..
So basicly if im still gonna believe in the syahadah, i should know why I believe it.. it shouldn’t be because of culture, its not because of parents, n certainly not because of a lover, it shouldn’t be because of anybody.. it should be because it’s the truth, it should be because of Allah, Him who holds the dominion.. how do i know tht syahadah is the truth then?
(when you decided to read this article ingatkan it was gonna increase ur iman.. looks like its deteriorating it..nauzubillah)
Yang menciptakan tujuh langit berlapis-lapis. Tidak akan kamu lihat sesuatu yg tidak seimbang pada ciptaan Tuhan Yang Maha Pengasih. Maka lihatlah sekali lagi, adakah kamu lihat sesuatu yang cacat?
(al-mulk 67:3)
To slowly discover the truth, is to actually go out and look for it…..
if you wanna eat, you go n get food……
If you want to learn you go out n find knowledge……
it doesn’t suddenly drop from the sky, “wallaa, knowledge ready made for you” nor does food drop from the sky….
If not, starvation wouldn’t happen then, nothing like what we’re seeing in certain countries like Ethiopia. Of course there is that one very popular exception, the Bani Israel in the time of Nabi Musa alahisalam. So okay, if ur still in doubt of ur religion, Allah challenges you to look at the world around you, to learn of the sciences it involves. To go out there and do research, and then ask yourself, can everything you see, the body you have, how could it be made without a designer? About the mountains and their purposes. Everything is so intelligently crafted aite?
“Dia menciptakn langit tanpa tiang sebagaimana kamu melihatnya, dan Dia, meletakkan gunung- gunung dipermukaan bumi agar ia tidak menggoyangkan kamu, dan memperkembiakkan segala macam jenis makhluk bergerak yang bernyawa di bumi. Dan Kami turunkan air hujan dari langit, lalu Kami tumbuhkan padanya segala macam tumbuh-tumbuhan yang baik”
(al-luqman 31:10)
I guess for me its important that I know why I’m a muslim. Some people might call me profane, rude, sesat ke ape2 la lg nk describe me for such questions I asked about aqidah. For such thoughts to cross my mind but right now I don’t really care what people think, this is between me and my Lord, for only He knows what is inside me.
Which reminds me of the story of Nabi Ibrahim alaihiwasalam. He was in search of his Lord, turning to the stars, the moon , the sun ..but all seem frail, with the moon gone by morning, the sun vanishing by he prayed
“Sungguh jika Tuhanku tidak memberi petunjuk kpdku, pasti aku termasuk org2 yg sesat”
(anam 6:74-79)
Why am I a muslim? Because I believe in the one God, Allah n His messenger and I want to enter whatever means..
Hmm.. I want to get straight A’s .. I seriously do.. I wanna go to Jannah more, I seriously do..
I work my head off to get on the Dean’s list, I should work a lot harder to go to Jannah..
Its not that hard, get down on my knees, bow down.. head on the ground.. send a prayer to Allah,to tell Him how hard I want this.. Surely for the believers who do righteousness will He answer their prayers.. clean myself of the sins of the past..
Allah states :
“Dan segeralah mencari ampunan dari Tuhanmu dan mendapatkan syurga yang luasnya seluas langit dan bumi yang disediakan bg org2 bertakwa”
(ali imran 3:133)
so I have to be quick, quick in search of His forgiveness.. an offer has been made by the Lord that controls this realm, I have to struggle for it…
its now or never..cause I want it all or nothing at all.. is this how it ends, with ………..
(and suddenly I hear myself singing O-town’s all or nothing.. for some weird reason… ermm?)
nak part II
nice! jzkk!
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