Feb 7, 2011

[oy Frost, Frost]

By: one_thechosen and atashi_sugoi


The blizzard aftermath is a very awesome scene to see. Mountains of smooth snow piled everywhere, white flakes just danced, circling Pe’ah as the wind came passing by, greeting her salam. Her lips curled into a smile when she saw someone’s head moving away from the first hostel. No, no.. It WAS attached to the body, but she could only see the head because of the very great amount of snow blocking her view. Reminds her of The One who can see right through anything. Subhanallah.

They say, this fluffy white thing, also known as снег or snow is very beautiful to the eyes BUT very painful to the touch. Beautiful as it is, snow also gives us something more. Problems!
As her steps took her nearer to BFK*, her eyes captured a picture of an unfamiliar road. Actually, there was not even a road. The road was gone. The tarred pathway was magnificently covered by glittering snow up to her knees. She had to play a game she calls “follow the footsteps left by the person in front” to avoid being pulled into the snow. In a matter of minutes, Pe’ah was already panting.

Ahmadov stood near the bus stop, with his hands tucked safely in his pockets. The compensatory signs of hypothermia started to manifest themselves. The long wait was paid when a bus came 30 minutes later. Ahmadov gaily hopped onto the bus only to find himself waiting, for another four hours! Through the frost-coated windows, he could see a 10 year old boy crawling in the ocean of snow. No, the young boy didn’t fall down. He was making a pathway for others to walk on, to make life easier for others. He felt indescribable warmth in his heart, “How cool can a person be? MasyaAllah.”

Minah ran with all her might but fell down, tripped over the slippery snow. She missed Ahmadov’s bus only by a split second. To wait, or not to wait. After considering a lot of factors, she decided that she could not afford the risk of waiting for another bus. Walking to class seemed to be the best option. With a deep breath, she started to form a trail of footsteps towards Ploshad Minina*.

Seest thou not that Allah makes the clouds move gently, then joins them together, then makes them into a heap?― then wilt thou see rain issue forth from their midst. And He sends down from the sky mountain masses (of clouds) wherein is hail: He strikes therewith whom He pleases and He turns it away fro whom He pleases. The vivid flash of its lightning well-nigh blinds the sight. (Surah An-Nur:43)

As the pathophysiology class came to its end, Pe’ah couldn’t help admiring the trees which moved every time the wind blew; as if waving its twigs to her, gently shaking off the snow which was resting quietly on it.

Sometimes, Pe’ah, Ahmadov, Minah and I often take things for granted. Small tiny things, such as the snowflakes, are almost ignored if they fall one-by-one (except maybe for some aesthetical reasons), alone, fragile, prone to sudden melting, scared …”Just step on it, silly! It won’t give you any harm..”; but when they invade the earth as a strong battalion with their best friend ; the wind, even people like Ahmadov, Minah, and I can lose a fight with these small silly snowflakes!

BUT, they didn’t. :] Is it a miracle? It’s HIMMAH A’LIYAH. Semangat yang tinggi, strong will. Just remember, when we feel helpless and alone, we actually aren’t. He is always there; accompanying us in every single step. When things turn out to be so unexpectedly hard, ask for His help; when giving up looks like a good idea, ask for strength; insyaAllah you’ll survive. More than surviving, you’ll find yourself doing AMAZING things. InsyaAllah. がんばリましょう~~!

When others have forsaken you,
You know where to turn to.
But when they’ve come back to you,
Would you forsake the one, who was there for you?

You thought you were alone…
But He, is always there.
You thought you couldn’t do it….
He’s always helping you in every single step.
You thought you were nothing….
Because of Him, you are SOMETHING ELSE!

So, think…see…feel…understand..
Is this what I am for?
If yes, don’t look back…run ahead!
If no, run away… find a yes.
Then you know what to do…you really do.
Insya Allah~ :]

BFK - Biofiziologiceskiy Kabinet
Ploshad Minina – Minin Square
(The square outside the Kremlin is named for Minin and Pozharsky)

p/s penulis, saye minta maaf sebab ter post lmbt :(

[...... dan tidak ada yg membuat aku lupa untuk mengingatnya kecuali setan.... al kahfi:63]

1 comment:

  1. salam...

    alhamdulillah... so touching and the reminders@nasihah r nicely put there... think & keep thinking... then we will see the hidden leaf.. (bkn naruto eh)...

    everything is created for something! =)

