‘He, who permits himself to tell a lie once, finds it much
easier to do it a second or third time, till at length, it becomes habitual’
–Thomas Jefferson’
Since, it’s April fool’s Day,
let’s talk about joking shall we.
No, I’m not going to preach
And no, I’m not someone with
zero sense of humor,
Nor am I a perfect human
But recently, I came across
something, which made me go ‘ouch’ dalam hati, so I’d like to share some of it
with all of you.
in Islam 101
1) It’s a no, no,
making fun of Allah, Islam, His Messenger, or verses of the Quran.
Allah says:“If you ask them, they declare: ‘We were only
talking idly and joking.’ Say: ‘Was it at Allah, and His verses and His
Messenger that you were mocking? ’Make no excuse; you disbelieved after you had
believed” (Surah al-Tawbah 9:65-66)
2) No lying!
Someone asked Rasulullah (SAW)):
“Do you joke with us?” Rasulullah (SAW) replied: “I do, but I only say that
which is true” (Al-Bukhari, Tirmidhi)
Rasulullah (SAW) said, “Woe to the
one who speaks and tells a lie in order to make the people laugh at it. Woe to
him. Then again, woe to him.” (Al-Tirmidhi)
3) Don’t joke around someone’s misfortune.
Rasulullah (SAW) said, “Do not
express malicious joy towards your brother’s misfortune, for Allah may have
mercy on him and you may be stricken by the thing you made fun of.”
4) Make sure it is during an appropriate time/person/place.
In gatherings, a joke or two, might lighten up the
mood, however, during a funeral for example, it just doesn’t seem right to
laugh out loud when people are grieving. Be considerate to the people around
you, please.
And it’s not right to pull a prank on a complete
stranger. You don’t know him or what he’s been through. Plus, you don’t know
his medical condition. It could be that you scare someone random and he dies
from heart attack. What will you do then?
5) Mind your words
Joking does not mean it’s okay to swear or curse at
someone. And when you prank someone, it’s highly probable you might end up
getting cursed at as well.
6) Laughter is the best medicine, people say, BUT
excessive laughing is rather toxic. Excessive joking included.
Among our friends, there’s always at least this one
person who jokes a lot, so we call him/her, ‘The Joker’. Sadly, because that
particular person tends to do it a lot, we can’t take him/her seriously anymore
to the extent that even when they are telling the truth, we shrug it off as lies. Sad but true story.
7) Beware of backbiting
E.g.: ‘Mina’s so fat; I doubt she’ll fit that
dress. Just joking’
Talking about other people in their absence,
especially if you know that if they were to hear it, they’d be upset, EVEN IF
IT’S JUST A JOKE is considered backbiting.
8) Don’t overdo
I remember the time I was in
high school when the seniors pulled a prank on someone among them. What was
supposed to create laughter ended up in yelps of pain, as the ‘victim’ needed
stitches on her eyebrows afterwards.
The moral of the story is
don’t joke around and make someone experience misfortunes just because you’re
too preoccupied in being the ‘cool’ one responsible for generating laughter.
Believe it or not, the
prophet Muhammad did joke around too. He was someone with a sense of humor,
just like the rest of us. But remember, there’s a way to joke too. And you
laughing shouldn’t be in expense of someone’s mishap.
Medical University of Warsaw
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