Jun 3, 2010

Do We Really Care

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh & Hello Everyone~!

Bakal doctors!

Do u ever realize being a doctor (or becoming one), means we r abide by the Hippocratic Oath...

In among which, kita berikrar that...

We will treat patients equitably and support a FAIR* and HUMANE* distribution of health resources.

We will try to influence positively authorities whose policies HARM* public health.

We will OPPOSE* policies which BREACH* internationally accepted standards of human rights.

We will STRIVE* to change laws which are contrary to patients' interests or to your professional ethics.

*pay extra attention to these words

*(u can find the rest of Hippocratic oath 2004 in the very 1st page of the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine – the most famous medical student’s “bible”)

So bakal doctors!

What are your reactions towards the human aid flotilla to Gaza?

Statistically, ade lebih kurang 1.4 million people living in Gaza and it is reported that 4 out of 5 people of Gaza, I repeat, 4 out of 5 people need humanitarian aid.

Thus, a simple calculation would tell us that there are 1,120,000 people of Gaza dying and desperately waiting for the 10,000 tonnes of bekalan utk kunjung tiba~!

This shows how the aid is crucial for them, and to actually help develop Gaza especially after being severely attacked in 2008/2009...

Tapi malangnyer, the Israeli forces attacked the aid-carrying ships in international water, 65km dari pesisiran pantai Gaza. Up to 16 people were killed (so far yang tau~) and lebih daripada 30 people injured..and akhirnyer, that 10,000 tonnes of bekalan, entah ke mana perginya~!

Can u imagine, kutip derma sana, derma sini, sumbangan sana, sumbangan sini, donation sana, donation sini, last2 hilang cmtu jer.. Bayangkan, how long did it take, n how much effort disumbangkan to actually kumpul 10,000 tonnes of bekalan~(dah la nk minta derma sgt susah~ wow!!!!!)

Brothers and sisters,

This Palestinian issue is NOT the issue of agama, and it is also NOT the issue of a bangsa

We are not talking about Muslims, we are not talking about religions, we are not even talking about Malays, but we are talking about humanity~!!

So, lets put a side our differences n lets start to act like a human with well, hopefully some sense of moral values and lets join hands and help those in need.

Teruskan menderma, Teruskan blajar. Teruskan sampaikan kisah2 kekejaman israel to our international friends.

Jangan cemarkan kesucian ikrar seorg doctor.

Do we really care?

Take home message : Gaza needs our help. Gaza needs us~ We need to do as much as we can within our limit to answer their call. And we vehemently disagree dgn tindakan Israel.

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