Feb 28, 2014

beauty tips of the week

Certainly, We created man in the best make (95:4)

We have been created beautifully by our Creature. We may not have a fair skin, but we may have a beautiful eyes. Or, we may not have a flawless skin, but we may do have a sweet little smile with a nice and white teeth.Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder

Beauty is a subjective matter, which you don’t have to look like a model to be or feel beautiful.Speaking of beauty care or skin care, it’s not that we wanted to change ourselves nor our looks. But rather, we just wanted to preserve what Allah has created us, as flawless and clean as a baby (not literally) hehe. Its called natural beauty as everyone has it.

So, for today I would like to share some of my own personal tips of a simple skin care(is actually from my mother ;)  which can be implement to both men and women.It’s just a simple tips. And so feel free to agree or disagree. To simply follow or not to.

First and foremost, each and everyone of you male and female should have your very own facial wash. It doesn’t have to be expensive but make sure it is safe. Go for the product or brand that is quite well known and used by many people.  You might finding a hard time to find which suits your skin the best. Me, myself even had an experienced of changing the facial wash couple of times beforetill I found “the” one.

Secondly, you should also have your own moisturizer (the one you use after washing your face). Its function as it is called, to moisture your skin well and prevent dryness. Make sure your moisturizer is on before you’re going anywhere. It’s likely your first line defense against UVA and UVB that could damage or darken your skin. To be sure, darken doesn’t really mean “dark” , it just make your face look dull and gloomy. Try to go for something which have SPF of at least 15 will do. The moisturizer works better if you use  the same brand as the facial wash. And also, applying moisturizer daily could help to prevent pigmentation and aging.

Thirdly, you could apply some compact powder or a two-way cake (it’s not a cake ;p it’s a compact powder together with foundation). This is your second line defense J which some of them may also contain SPF perfect for your skin. It’s like a powerful shield against sunlight. Be sure to apply  it before you’re out even to the grocery.

Lastly, with a bit of lipbalm you’re all ready to face the world. Hehe.
For women, our face is mostly expose and most of us didn’t wear niqab to cover our face. Therefore, we really need to take care of our face as it is the most sensitive part of the body. It’s easy to grow on pimples on your face rather on your hand or elsewhere. So be sure to take care of your face well !!

Abu Hurayrah (radiAllahuanhu) reported that the Prophet (salAllahualaihiwassalam) said,

''A woman is married for four things: for her wealth,for her lineage,for her beauty or for her piety.Select the piours,may you be blessed!.''

(Sahih al-Bukhari and Muslim)

Remember, if you ever choose someone upon her beauty, its beauty will fade…instead, look for something we called “beauty that lies within a beautiful heart “ ;) goodluck !



Medical University of Warsaw

Feb 25, 2014

Buatmu teman


Daripada Abu Hamzah Anas bin Malik r.a,pembantu RasulullahSAW,baginda bersabda,
Maksudnya : “Tidak beriman (secara sempurna) seseorang kamu hingga dia mencintai saudaranya sebagaimana dia mencintai dirinya sendiri."
[Riwayat al-Bukhari,Muslimdan Ahmad]

Perempuan solehah hiasan dunia,
Penyejuk mata penawar hati;
Cinta itu fitrah manusia,
Cinta kerana Allah yang kekal abadi.

Burung kecil terbang bebas,
Di langit biru milik Illahi;
Cinta itu terlalu luas,
Cinta kepada kawan tidak terkecuali.

Biarpun tidak cantik rupawan,
Asalkan punya hati yang mulia;
Berkawan bukan kerana Tuhan,
Persahabatan hanyalah sia-sia.

Jiwa bersih hati pun tenang,
Tetap bahagia apapun situasi;
Di waktu susah mahupun senang,
Kawan sejati tetap disisi.

Hidup ini penuh cabaran,
Penuh ranjau dan juga dugaan;
Jika salah kita betulkan,
Kawan terbaik memberi sokongan.

Dunia ini ciptaan Tuhan,
Cantik dan indah tidak terhingga;
Jika benar cintakan kawan,
Tariklah mereka sama ke syurga.

Di waktu senang dan saat genting,
Sentiasa sabar dan juga ceria;
Kawan yang baik amatlah penting,
Mendekatkan kita kepada Dia.

“Sesungguhnya orang mukmin itu bersaudara,kerana itu damaikanlah antara kedua saudaramu (yang berselisih) dan bertakwalah kepada Allah agar kamu mendapat rahmat”
[Surah Hujurat : 10]

“Dan jadikanlah untukku seorang pembantu daripada keluargaku.(Iaitu) Harun,saudaraku.Teguhkanlah pendirianku dengan sokongannya.Dan jadikanlah dia sekutu dalam urusanku.Supaya kami banyak bertasbih kepada Engkau.Dan banyak mengingati Engkau.Sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Mengetahui keadaan kami.”
[Surah Taha : 29 – 35]

Terima kasih Ya Allah untuk Harun yang Kau kurniakan kepada kami.=)


Medical University of Warsaw

Feb 21, 2014


Pautan pantas ke bahagian..


Q: Apa itu MERCY?

MERCY Malaysia (Malaysia Medical Relief Society)  merupakan sebuah pertubuhan non-profit yang menyediakan bantuan kemanusiaan, aktiviti kemasyarakatan dalam situasi krisis dan bukan krisis di dalam dan luar negara.

Boleh rujuk laman web mereka : http://mercy.org.my/

Q: Apa itu MERCY VIP'14? 

Adalah singkatan kepada MERCY Volunteer Induction Programme 2014 dan merupakan sebuah program yang menyediakan latihan misi asas yang professional dan releven yang perlu dilalui oleh setiap individu yang ingin menyertai program kemanusiaan kemasyarakatan yang dianjurkan oleh MERCY Malaysia di seluruh dunia.

Q: Apakah kelebihan menyertai MERCY VIP'14?  

Para peserta MERCY VIP'14 akan memperoleh sijil rasmi dari pihak MERCY Malaysia kerana pelajar luar negara mengalami kesukaran untuk berpeluang mengikuti program latihan di Malaysia atas sebab program induksi sebegini hanya diadakan pada tarikh-tarikh tertentu sahaja.

Setelah mendapat sijil rasmi ini para peserta akan berkelayakan untuk menyertai misi kemanusiaan yang dianjurkan pihak MERCY Malaysia.. It's a one in a million chance!!! Jadi marilah kita sama-sama memeriahkan MERCY VIP'14.. Daftar sekarang!!

Q: Di manakah program ini akan diadakan?


Q: Bilakah program ini akan diadakan?

19-20 April 2014.

Q: Bagaimana dengan pengangkutan dan penginapan kepada pelajar luar kawasan Krakow?

Insya Allah akan disediakan.

Q: Adakah yuran dikenakan untuk MERCY VIP'14?

Ya, sebanyak 20 euro dan tambahan 5 euro untuk pengangkutan.

Q: Mengapakah program ini diadakan Krakow?

Pihak kami ingin merancang sesuatu yang baru dalam program yang kami anjurkan. oleh itu Krakow merupakan tempat pilihan kami pada kali ini. 

Q: Apakah yang boleh dipraktikkan dengan menyertai program ini bagi seorang pelajar?

Setelah mendapat sijil rasmi para peserta akan berkelayakan untuk menyertai misi kemanusiaan yang dianjurkan pihak MERCY Malaysia walaupun anda seorang pelajar. Anda layak untuk melaksanakan aktiviti kemasyaratan yang dianjurkan oleh pihak MERCY. Sekiranya anda seorang pelajar perubatan,ianya merupakan satu kelebihan dan peluang yang baik untuk memperoleh pengalaman dalam bidang perubatan.

Q: Mengapakah program ini dijalankan selama dua hari?

Pada hari pertama kita akan mengadakan sesi ceramah daripada panel jemputan terhormat MERCY iaitu Prof. Madya Mohamed Ikram Bin Mohamed Salleh dan Tn Hew Cheong Yew dan pada hari kedua kita akan mengadakan sesi pratikal( bengkel) dan aktiviti luar.

Q: Adakah ada 'dress code' yang perlu dipatuhi dalam program ini?

Peserta hanya perlu berpakaian formal dan kemas. 

Q: Adakah makanan akan disediakan?


Feb 18, 2014

Another Beauty Tips

Assalamualaikum wbt...

Eh..kita jumpa lagi! ^.^
Okay, kali ni takda dah golden rules tu. Normal rule jer.Normal tapi ramai yang tak tahu. Tak kisahlah kalau kalian semua pakai apa-apa produk pun,janji mesti ada 3 benda ni – pencuci muka,cream and moisturizer. 

Tak kisahlah kalian lelaki ke perempuan,3 ni WAJIB ada.
Syuhhh…tiba-tiba teringat pasal kisah Asma binti Umais dengan Nabi Yusuf as. Kalau nak cari cerita mereka tanya Pak Cik Google, buku ataupun kakak dan abang usrah kalian, ok? ^.^

Back to the topic, moisturizer kena selalu bawa.Manalah tahu, tiba-tiba ada masa “Eh..eh..rumah tak ada internet, nak tidur rumah kawan ke,disaat itulah, moisturizer penting, terutama masa winter di Poland yang anginnya,masyaAllah, cobaan betul nak keluar rumah.Lepas tu,basuh muka pun penting.Maximum 3 kali je satu hari.Seeloknya awal pagi dan sebelum tidur.

Basuh muka dengan air suam dulu tau.Jangan pakai air sejuk.Lepas pakai pencuci muka, baru cuci dengan air sejuk.Yang ni, jangan pakai air suam pulak.Kalau tiba-tiba ada masa kena tidur rumah kawan macam kata atas tu, just cuti muka dengan air suam, lepas tu dengan air sejuk.Lepas basuh muka, terus pakai krim muka.Jangan tangguh! Waktu ni,omputeh kata,bare-face. Kalau bare-face, senang kena jangkitan.

Moisturizer memainkan peranan yang besar.Lepas cuci muka,tak ada krim pun,pakai moisturizer je.The best thing about moisturizer adalah kalian boleh je guna apa-apa produk.Maksudnya,kalau kalian pakai pencuci muka A,wajib kena pakai krim A, tapi boleh je tukar-tukar pakai moisturizer B ataupun C.

Hajimanchingguya (baca= tapi, my friend),muka tu jaga,jaga jugak. Seperti mana kita jaga muka kita,sebanyak itu jugalah kita kena jaga iman kita nak tunjuk kat Allah.Macam dalam hadis: 

“Sesungguhnya Allah tidak melihat kepada bentuk rupa dan harta kalian, tapi Dia melihat hati dan amal kalian” (HR Muslim, Ahmad dan IbnMajjah)

Best regards,

Medical University of Warsaw

Feb 14, 2014


14th February.

Yeah, I know, it’s the same old, ‘You can’t celebrate Valentines Day’ statement again. Always there to bug you when you feel like celebrating it the most.

Imagine the situation:
 You log in to Facebook. The newsfeed’s filled with love and sweet wishes for loved ones. Next, you’re with your other half at the mall. It’s Valentine’s Day, for goodness sake. You look around and other couples are being ever so sweet to each other. They’re giving each other sweets, gifts, flowers, surprises…and you get the urge , the adrenaline rush to celebrate it too though deep down, subconsciously,  you know you’re not suppose to. And then you say, whatever, let’s just celebrate! I don’t want to be the only couple not celebrating it, you say to yourself. We don’t want to be the odd-one-out. C’mon, be open-minded it’s 2014, try to blend into society for a bit!

One of my teacher said in his class, when you study, always ask WHYYYY? Why this? What’s the reason? I think it’s good advice really. When you think, you stimulate your neurons to work. And that’s good for your brain, great for you! And furthermore, you tend to reaffirm that what you do is right. It gives you confidence.

So let us ask ourselves, why can’t we, as Muslims, celebrate the once-in-a-year very sweet, day of love, Valentines Day? Why can’t we go with the flow and blend ourselves with what the society does?

I had to actually google about Valentine’s Day prior to writing this and not one search about it’s history came back to Islam. ZERO.

All websites and our favourite Wikipedia either referred it origins from Christianity or its correlation with the Pagan Romans. And if you type Valentine’s Day and Muslim, there are a whole lot of articles on the prohibition  for muslims to celebrate it. Most people believe Valentine’s Day is celebrated to honour St. Valentines, a Christian martyr. The story differs but the main point is, it is based on other religions and by far NOT RELATED to Islam at all.

‘Yeah I’m just celebrating it for fun. It’s not like I’m celebrating the martyr, priest, romans, or whatever religious things. It’s about love, that’s all. C’mon, cut me some slack. Relax. Chill’
Well, what does love and passion lead to? Honestly, we’re grown ups, you know the answer. In the heat of things, and the devils whisper, and our nafs, we never know what we end up doing.  This refers to unmarried couples especially, as they tend to celebrate it more.

And do not approach unlawful sexual intercourse. Indeed, it is ever an immorality and is evil as a way. (Al.Israa:32)

  This verse of the Quran notes that we as Muslims are prohibited to do anything which leads us to unlawful ‘zina’.

And just because some things  are acceptable in society nowadays, if Allah says NO it means NO. Just because the general society say it’s okay for a guy and a girl to hold hands when their unmarried, it doesn’t mean it’s right. Just because Valentine’s Day is celebrated internationally, it does not mean it’s a celebration for all including muslims. There are reasons for why Allah says no. It’s to preserve our iman and protect us from wavering so we can be happy in Jannah one day.

Me? I personally love special dates. Birthday, anniversaries, and yes, I remember my grandparents death date too. I’m sure I’m not the only odd one out. Humans especially the ladies tend to want to feel special. It’s like this is our day. But I say, let’s leave Valentine’s Day out of the list. If it’s haram, it’s haram, no such thing as maybe haram. Want to find a special date? There’s roughly 365 days a year. Pick other ones unrelated to other religious events.

Let’s just love each other all year, every second, every minute, every hour, every day just like Allah wants us to. Keep it halal. But never forget to love Allah more. He’s the only one beside you, in happiness and in sorrow. When you keep things inside and put up a tough front outside and nobody seem to know or understand, know that Allah knows. He gave you life, your family and countless blessings. So which of the favors of your Lord would you deny?

Penulis :

Medical University of Warsaw