Feb 6, 2010

human brain - programmed God-spot.

Does the brain contain a God-spot?

Some scientists believe the human brain is programmed for religious experience and this explains why religion is a universal human feature that has encompassed all cultures throughout history. They say there is not one but several areas of the brain that form the biological foundations of religious belief. In a study last year researchers used an advanced brain scanner to show that people of different religious persuasions and beliefs, as well as atheists, all tended to use the same electrical circuits in the brain to solve a perceived moral conundrum – and the same circuits were used when religiously inclined people dealt with issues related to God. (source)

" maka hadapkanlah wajahmu dengan lurus kepada agama (Allah) ; (tetaplah atas) fitrah Allah yang telah menciptakan manusia menurut fitrah itu. tidak ada perubahan pada fitrah Allah. (itulah) agama yang lurus; tetapi kebanyakkan manusia tidak mengetahui." Q30:30

1 comment:

  1. jom kita adekan spot dlm mind and hati kita khas utk Allah :)

    ma fi qalbi ghairullah (tiada ape dalam hatiku melainkanMu, Allah)

    may Allah reward you
