Apr 4, 2009

Oh Nabiullah


Setelah mendapat pandangan profesional, kami telah berjaya memilih pemenang bagi pertandingan puisi sempena Maulidurrasul yang lalu.

The winner is...jeng, jeng, jeng...

Cik Nor Nabilah bt Azmi!


Below is the poem beautifully written by her.

Oh Nabiullah

Oh Rasulullah,
at times when I’m stifling a cry
engulfed in melancholic, encircled in grief
I stop and wonder
of such strength that must be dwell in your heart
for you never lose aim
…and then I’m renewed…

Oh Habibullah,
at times when I feel like I’m falling into an abyss
plagued with despair, rendered hopeless and hapless
I pause and ponder
of such resilience that must be rooted in your heart
for your faith never wavered
…and then I am spirited…

Oh Waliullah,
at times when I’m overwhelmed with anger
pulsating with fierce rage, throbbing with wild fury
I restrain and reflect
of such patience that must have longed been nursed in your heart
for you have never tended to your whims
…and the volcano inside me subsides…

Oh Khatimul Anbiya’,
at times of fevetish pleasure
drowning in ecstasy yet floating on 7th heaven
I freeze and think
of such gratitude and humbleness that must reside in your heart
for the word ‘Alhamdulillah’ flows too naturally
for a being so ideal
…and I amazed…

And my heart beats a bit faster…


  1. waaa~! sgt best la bee!~ congratz ye!:)

    p/s bee.. ape kate bee bg sikit hadiah bee kat nad:)

  2. =) congrats bee!!

    super duper marvelous + delicious huhu..

    p/s teringin nk bace akak nad nyer bhs sastra ><"

    ~and my heart beats a lil faster too~
    [mcm kena palpitation problem huhu but its still ok, nt a tachycardic gagagaga *big grin*]

    keep it up!

    Q13:37 [dan sila la refer footnote no 789 okie!]

  3. salam..congratz bee..such a beautiful poem ^-^ keep it up!!! ~wondergirls kamu hebat!!!~ :P..

  4. congrats bee!!! proud of u! phewitt!

  5. astaghfirullah (blaja masa tafsir ngn KAK YANA yg kena istighfar if dpt mende baik :D )
    thank you semua!

    nad, nnt i blanja you lollipop nak? :p

