Jan 27, 2009

A Mother's Whisper..

you've closed your eyes my sleeping child,
i pray they do not stir,
i pray they do not flutter,
please keep them shut from all the horror.

soften the creases on your forehead,
deafen your ears of all the dread,
block the sounds that might alarm,
for i will try to put youat calm.

the staccato gunshots will hush,
the piercing strikes will falter,
for now, let me hold you and keep you safe,
let the warmth flow within and mellow out the pain.

-my heart out to the children of gaza who's right to a good childhood has been fiercely snatched away..

~nabilah ~


  1. My mom is a neverending song,
    in my heart of comfort, happiness, and being,
    I may sometimes forget the words,
    but I always remember the tune. (Graycie Harmon)

    ~izzatul~ ^-^

  2. hee~
    saye dgr kan.. baby2/chidlren yg meninggal sblm baligh.. (eh? adeke baby/ childen yg dh baligh?... huhu)

    sume akan g jumpe nabi ibrahim a.s... bcoz nabi ibrahim kan xdpt nk main2 ngn anaknye... slalu je baginda kene p dakwah....

    so, kte jgn sedeh2 ye... nnt dorg akan jadi wildan utk kte d syurge.. insyaAllah... =)
