Mar 25, 2013


I was almost giving up on Usrah last time (due to much preoccupied self with study which is so worldly) ,and about to convey this matter to naqibah (mak bulatan gembira) but every week during the usrah,I always found something,something that my heart is looking for that week’s motivation. And then I cancel up my intention, and said to myself this ‘responsibility’ is the order of Allah, how could you deny it and indulge with your own business happily and think that  you have saved from the fire of akhirat. 

It happens again and over again because at the end of the week,I felt lifeless and felt like ‘i cant do this anymore,help me ya Allah’. Can I get exempted from Your order. 

”You are the best of peoples, evolved for mankind, enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, and believing in Allah. If only the People of the Book had faith, it were best for them: among them are some who have faith, but most of them are perverted transgressors.”(3:110)

Im so afraid about being questioned at the end of life because DEATH is FOR SURE,AND AKHIRAT is FOR SURE.

Another thing about why I cant have excuses about leaving is ‘ALQURAN is WOW, a miracle’. There is always new findings inside the Quran during the tadabbur 30 minute-session, which tied me up to this ‘circle’ and ‘dakwah’ everytime im about to leave .Ordinary people wont acknowledge each and every beautiful pieces of the Quran, but the SELECTED people do. I asked myself ‘you wanna be an ordinary people after being hounourly SELECTED by ALLAH, the Almighty?What a shame.

If I choose to leave, I will lost the Quran,I wont have support system anymore, I may no have daily motivation anymore. That BOOk is like  a thousand and one solutions to each and every problem. It makes my life happier and guided.And  I also love my friends, i am worry if they are not happy and misleading,yet life is too short to get sad,and demotivated. There is a say ’ after you have been heard by ALLAh (dua and prayers),then  you need to hear what ALLAH wants to say ,of course by Quran,the kalamullah.  Here is the role  as a friend,a sister, a brother to the other 

In surah Al-Asr, (the time),

 Verily! Man is in loss,‘ Except for those who have believed and done righteous deeds and advised each other to truth and advised each other to patience.’

We are living  in a world that is superbusy,mutual reminding people and ourself, insyaALLAh,may ALLAh bless us in both dunya and akhirat.

”And remind(continuously), for indeed, the reminder benefits the believers“(51:55)

 If I were  leaving this gorgous circle,how am I going to brag up this awesome content of Quran?
Astagfirullahalzim,i wouldnt have know, have no idea,no knowledge, no ilm’ ,have nothing,nothing! The first gift we can give to our society is ourself education

When you are educated, you care about yourself and your neighbours.-Tariq Ramadhan-

Education?Yes,insyaALLAH everything is in USRAH.

 "Read! In the Name of your Lord, Who has created (all that exists)" (Al- Alaq:1)

The ever first message from ALLAh to prophet ,now it is our turn„’ tuntutlah ilmu’ =)


Fathin Akmal Mazelan
Pelajar perubatan tahun tiga
Jagiellonians University

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